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Start the Year off in the Right Sports Bra!

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Start the Year off in the Right Sports Bra!

Start the Year off in the Right Sports Bra!

Now that the new year is here and people are getting back their fitness goals and resolutions, it’s the time to look at how your bra is supporting you through your favourite activities. Did you know that each time you bounce during strenuous physical activity, you stretch your breast tissue and cause irreparable damage? A proper sports bra will not only protect you but also keep you comfortable and supported during exercise. Gone are the days of wearing two sports bras!


When looking for a sports bra there are different styles and impact/support levels to consider. Your sports bra should cater to the type of activity you are doing, and suit your style as well. Beware of the myth that a sports bra should tightly bind your breasts to keep them stable while exercising. Your bra should never compress the breast tissue, but should support it. Wearing two bras, or a bra that is too tight, will do more harm than good, blocking circulation of the breast tissue. 


Key features to look for when shopping for sports bras are having an underwire or wirefree, being able to cross the straps, and varying support levels. 


Low impact / minimum support is great for yoga and pilates. Often a thin more stretchy fabric allows you to move without feeling constricted while still maintaining support when properly fitted. 


Medium impact / support is ideal for gym/ home workouts that don't create a lot of ‘bounce’. Weightlifting, walking, golf, road biking, skiing, dance classes ect. These activities require more support and seamless sports bras are very popular in this category as you then have more flexibility with the rest of your wardrobe. Some may come with an underwire, if that's your preference for more lift and support. 


High impact / maximum support is perfect for those activities that are more cardio based or high energy. Running, horseback riding, mountain biking, and any jumping activities. Most high impact sports bras are either full coverage or will have an underwire, while being made of a more firm fabric to ensure you are supported during your toughest workouts. 


Sports bras use highly technical fabrics that wick away moisture as you’re working out and sweating, that way you don’t have to worry about being in a wet bra or having sore, chafed skin. Often people think a sports bra is to be pulled over your head, and lock everything down. Whereas a sports bra should have a clasp closure and ideally be bra sized especially for those medium to high level activities. 


An expert fitting will help you determine your own personal preference for style, fit and support.



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