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General Terms & Conditions

Brabary is dedicated to providing our customers with a hassle free, pleasant online shopping experience, and we guarantee the quality and value of our merchandise.

Please note that payment is processed when you confirm your order.

Before purchasing through us online, we strongly recommend that you are professionally fit, whether it is at one of our stores or a local boutique in your area. While some bras may fit similarly, many bras and panties vary in size, depending on designer and style. We cannot guarantee that the bra(s) or panty(ies) that you purchase will fit your body perfectly unless you have been previously fitted. Therefore, we recommend that you use our online boutique as a convenient means to place repeat orders on products you have previously purchased.

Brabary is not responsible for loss or damage that may occur during shipment of the item(s). 


Due to the differences between bra styles and manufacturers, we strongly encourage our online shoppers to purchase items that you have previously owned within the last 12 months, from manufacturers that you are familiar with, to avoid disappointment.  If you are interested in a new style, or feel that your size has changed, please visit us in store for a fitting with one of our Fitting Specialists.

Product Availability

Website offers, prices and merchandise availability are subject to change without notice.  We strive to fill orders as quickly as possible.  However, it is possible that some items, sizes or colours may be out of stock, which may result in a slightly longer than usual delivery time.  When your order is processed, you will receive confirmation verifying receipt of your order and confirming the availability and prices of all items in your order. Please note, if you are ordering multiple items and wish to have them sent separately, additional shipping fees will apply.

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